Five minutes sounds like enough time to walk from one class to another in any high school, but if it is, why do we have so many tardies and why does administration feel the need to do tardy lockdowns?
Tardies are marked on a student’s record when they are late to class, and tardy lockdowns are randomly picked out for a passing period. During them, administrators take all the students still outside of a classroom to the cafeteria after the bell rings for class to start.
While this seems a little extreme to some students and should deter them from being late to class, we still have many students outside of classrooms.
With my own experience with tardies, I tend to blame other students who are quite ignorant to their surroundings. I’ve been slowed and stopped many times in the hallways from students wanting to talk while going to class. Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand why; but, when you and your friend(s) are in the way of other students who have to travel from one end of the school to the complete other side, it becomes an issue.
Five minutes is absolutely enough time but students need to learn the right way to talk to students in the halls, that being you step to the side or walk faster to not be an obstacle for others. In the end, I think the issue could be solved with self-awareness.