How to Play

Dylan Self

This guide illuminates how to effectively play the popular game, The game consists of about 60 to 75 players spread across one large map. The goal of the game is to eliminate opponents until there is only one man left standing. To crown an ultimate victor, the map size shrinks progressively throughout the match to force players into fights. Each game lasts until the player dies, or becomes the last man standing. A game in which the player survives to the very end lasts a little more than 7 minutes.

This guide will teach the player how to collect loot, win fights, and heal safely and efficiently. The methods discussed in this guide are directed towards the solo gamemode. Tips and tricks can transfer over to duo and squad gameplay, but the main focus of this guide is the increase the player’s solo win count and gameplay.

The first step to success is knowing the controls. The player moves the avatar with WASD. W moves the character upwards, S moves the character downwards, A moves the character to the left, and D moves the character to the right. A key to smooth movement is to aim in the direction of movement. For example, if the player moves the avatar to the right, they should aim their crosshairs towards the right side of the screen. To move the crosshairs, move the mouse.

To pick up guns, ammo, and, medical supplies, the player needs to hit F while on top of the desired item. F is also used to open and close doors. To shoot a gun, simply left click the mouse when the target is in the crosshairs. Most guns ,with the exception of shotguns and pistols, are automatic. This means that if the player holds down the left mouse button, the gun will keep shooting until the chamber is empty. When the chamber is empty, the player presses R to reload. Before the player finds a gun, they are stuck with their fists. While punching an enemy to death is not easy, the player will need to know how to punch open loot crates. To punch, simply click the left mouse button once. The player can quickly click the left mouse button continuously to open loot crates more quickly. Punching an enemy to death is not ideal, because one punch only does 6% of the opponent’s total health. That being said, fistfighting is a viable form of combat in, but requires a lot of skill.

There are many different classifications of guns in Each gun will be a different color, and can only use ammo of the same color. For example, shotguns are red, and can only use red ammo squares. The main different colors of guns are green, red, blue, and yellow. Knowing the difference between these classifications of guns is very important to success.

In general, assault rifles that shoot yellow bullets deal small amounts of damage, and have a large magazine. Assault rifles that shoot green bullets deal more damage than yellow bullets do, but have a slightly smaller magazine. Assault rifles that shoot blue ammo deal more damage than green bullets, and have the same magazine size, but shoot a little slower. Shotguns take red ammo and do the greatest amount of damage, however they are not automatic and have smaller magazines.

In, the player can only hold two guns at any given point in the game. The loadout that works the best it to have an assault rifle in the first slot, and a shotgun in the second slot. The assault rifle is more effective when fighting long range fights, while the shotgun is more effective for close range fights. Assault rifles will have a magazine of 20-100 bullets. The normal assault rifles will have a magazine of around 30.

To win, the player will get into fights, and inevitably will be hurt. Having a good understanding and supply of medicine is key to success. Arguably one of the most useful medicinal items out there is the medpack. Using the medpack will restore the player’s health all the way to 100%. The medpack looks like a square with a plus sign in the middle. In the medpack’s shadow are bandages. Bandages will heal 15% of the players health per bandage, but only up to 75% of full health.

Next is medicine that gives the player energy. Energy is measured by the bar above the white health bar. When a soda is drunk, the player will slowly regain health and move more quickly. One soda fills 25% of the energy bar. The more full the energy bar is, the more health the player regains per second, and the faster the player becomes. The last medicine are pills. Pills also give energy, but unlike the soda, they fill the energy bar 50%.This means that one set of pills alone will heal more than one soda will, however two sodas have the same effect as one set of pills. Energy will slowly fade down to zero after time, so keep drinking and popping pills to keep that energy bar full. When healing after a fight, it is critical to take cover. Find somewhere safe like behind a tree, or in a corner to heal safely.

Finally, some combat tips, tricks and strategies will be enumerated:

  1. Always stay in motion. The more the player moves, the harder he will be to hit.
  2. In long range fights, pull out the assault rifle, place the cursor on the enemy, and hold down the left click button. Move the cursor to stay on top of the enemy when he moves.
  3. Scopes will help the player see a greater area of the map. Scopes appear on the ground as numbers ranging from 2x to 15x. A decent scope is 4x. 8 times is ideal.
  4. When reloading a gun, (by pressing R) the player should make sure to take cover to avoid being shot. The player can hide behind rocks, buildings, and tree trunks.
  5. The player should make sure to take cover when using medicine, because when the medicine is applied, the players movement is considerably slowed.
  6. If the player is healing in a bush to heal, switch to the fists so that the gun is not protruding. If the gun sticks out of the bush, it will alert enemies to the player’s location.
  7. When there is only one enemy left, be prepared to fight a tough opponent. The final enemy has been victorious in every fight, just the same as the player.
  8. Roll the cursor wheel on the mouse up and down to switch between weapons quickly.
  9. If the player’s shots are not landing, they should stop shooting, and adjust their aim. The difference between having to reload an empty magazine during the heat of the moment and having 10 bullets in the chamber can be lifesaving.
  10. Lastly, be patient. As with all things, practice makes perfect, and winning a game will take time.