At every pep rally, football game, and school event, Tank the Terrier brings energy and hype to CCHS. The mascot is always there to hype up the crowd and show school spirit. But have you ever wondered who is inside the suit? Who knows the person behind the mask? Why is this person so hidden? Today, I will be finding out who is inside that dog costume.
In CCHS, Tank the Terrier is a huge deal. At almost every event, he is there taking photos with people and dancing around. Everyone loves Tank because he is always there to support us in our high school career. I interviewed Coach Stamp, a hall monitor for CCHS who has been working in schools for 40 years now. I first asked if he knew who was under the mask .“I have never seen our mascot without his head on, so I would have to say no, but I have some pretty good suspects,” he said. I told him, “Please do tell. He followed with, “I think it’s Owen Lee. I feel he would like to sneak around in a dog costume.”
How could I have not thought of this before? Of course! Owen is a part of different sports like football, track, and even the chess team. That’s how he would sneak around and disappear. I just had to talk with him and figure out this mystery. Later that day, I talked to Owen Lee about it, and he had a few things to say about these accusations. “Coach Stamp doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but I do know who it is,” Owen said. Finally, the answer to the mystery! I thought to myself, Who could it be? I ran through every possibility before he told me. He said one name: “Justin. “I was so confused. Was it me in the suit? But how? My head was spinning—how could I have done this without even knowing? Until I realized he meant Justin Judd and not Justin Grant, which definitely makes more sense.