On Thursday the 6th of March, 2025, Carbondale Community High School had a blood drive all school day in the back gym. CCHS has at least two blood drives a year. They think it is important for students, parents, and facility members to have a good opportunity to give blood.
To help more students attend and try to donate blood lots of teachers give extra credit to those who try and do give blood. Mr. Butler is one of the teachers who awards students not for just giving blood but for trying as well.
Carlisia Lewis, a senior at CCHS, stated that she gave blood, “to hopefully save a life.”
She unfortunately got turned away on Thursday because of low blood pressure and a sore throat. She is hoping next time she will have a chance to be able to donate.
“I have tried to give blood multiple times but have been turned down everytime. I hope this time I am able too,” Isabella Rivera stated.
Rivera is a senior at CCHS hoping to help others and get her extra credit in her civics class. She loves the idea of her being able to save lives by just enduring a little bit of pain.
Many students were lined up waiting to give blood, while others were helping the Red Cross organize and register people coming in. They were excited to help out in any way they could.

Giving blood can be very beneficial to save others lives. When you go to donate blood they only take a pint or blood. One single pint can save up to three lives. Donating can help people survive surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. Hospitals are always looking for more blood. Every person counts when it comes to saving lives.
CCHS facilities have told students how much blood they take and more information on giving blood; most think that is why so many come to donate. Schools should have blood drives like this nation wide is what most teachers say. Go to the Red Cross and sign up to save lives today!