On Thursday, March 7th, at Carbondale Community High School, they held a blood drive from the morning to the evening that was sponsored by the American Red Cross; snacks and water as well as pizza were provided for each donor as well as a free shirt.
The Student Council Sponsor, Brandy Jones, who ran the event, provided interesting facts about CCHS’s participation in the blood drive.

“CCHS has participated in the blood drive for over 20 years; we have collected over 4,000 pints of blood; we are the 2nd largest blood drive event in Southern Illinois; and we have 5 blood drives a year,” said Jones.
A top donor at Carbondale Community High School is the class of 2026 junior, Connor Gulbrandsen. He has participated in a lot of the blood drives that were hosted here at CCHS, and he is an excellent donor who never misses a chance to give back.

“I donate to help people,” said Gulbrandsen.
“Donating isn’t scary for me because I have donated multiple times,” said Gulbrandsen.
Believes in what is right and stretches out his arm to help whenever it is needed because he knows, just like everyone else, that there are people in this world who need the blood more than he does.
“Donating is a good cause because it goes to help people who are suffering either from natural disasters or something else fatal,” said Gulbrandsen.
Angeline Narag, a senior at Carbondale Community High School, herself had a lot to say about the American Red Cross blood drive at CCHS; she is a top star, from being student council president to helping in the blood drive.

“I have participated in working at the blood drive 8 times, twice a year, and I even ran 3 of my own,” said Narag.
“I have helped set up 6 or 7 times for the blood drive,” said Narag.
Michael Butler, the tennis coach at CCHS Not only that, but he is also the world history and civics teacher. At CCHS he is one of the top people to donate blood; he never misses a donation because he wants to help those who are less fortunate.
“I have donated almost 100 times now,” said Butler.
“Yes, it is a good cause to donate; every pint you donate saves up to 3 lives, as well as donating is just being a better human being, “ said Butler.