While most students go through on average six school dances during their tenure in high school (four homecomings and two proms), many students at Carbondale Community High School (CCHS) had conflicting opinions about this year’s dance. As a senior, this was my last homecoming, and I definitely did not understand the hype that other students had felt. This was especially obvious in the lack of consistency between the theme and the music

The theme for the 2024 Homecoming was ‘Boogie Wonderland’, also known as Disco. Yet, at the dance they played modern music many of which became popular during the last five years. The dance committee did not decorate as much this year as for the 2023 homecoming dance. However, for some students the theme did not matter, and it was more about the experience. According to Mikya Greene, a freshman at CCHS, “This Homecoming definitely surpassed my standards.” Greene continued, “The dances I have been to were never this fun, and this experience made me excited for next year’s homecoming.”
Some Seniors have a different opinion after attending four years of homecoming celebrations, especially in regards to the theme. Brenden Gallegy, a CCHS senior noted, “The black light was an interesting addition.” Gallegly also stated, “I feel like there weren’t enough tables or quiet places though.” Despite the lack of students this year, the amount of seating was quite minimal, especially as compared to the previous years’ homecoming dances.
While many focused on the theme, some students felt the theme was not what made this year’s homecoming dance special. CCHS freshman, Mikya Greene noted, “My favorite thing about homecoming was getting to dance with my friends and getting to dress up.” Apparently, for many students, from freshmen to seniors, themes are not always the most important aspect of a homecoming dance.

For some seniors their final homecoming may be one of the most important events of the school year. For others, the anticipation of homecoming ended with a let down. After the fourth year of experiencing this tradition, CCHS senior, Gallegly observed, “This homecoming felt the same as the others.” They continued “I feel it could’ve used more seating or a place to go rest your ears/eyes.” Perhaps a reasonable opinion, as this year’s homecoming dance not only had the aforementioned minimal seating but also had blacklights, something photosensitive students may not find welcome. This, in addition to the loud pop/rap music which can be overstimulating to some students might have been taken into consideration. That being said, some students were not bothered by these things and had a great time.While the 2024 homecoming dance had its flaws, it was still a school event that most students both enjoyed and will cherish for many years to come.