Right off the bat the headline could be seen as if I had just said I hate puppies and kittens. It’s such a controversial take that would have me side-eyed but in my honest opinion, CCHS being a closed campus isn’t that terrible and it actually has a few benefits.
As soon as possible the school establishes that we are a closed campus and there will be no exiting campus as soon as you step inside unless it’s for excusable reasons such as leaving for appointments, field trips, emergencies, etc. and of course at the end of the day at dismissal. Even though it’s a set rule and has been a set rule for many years now students still complain about it and it’s still something that most students find annoying and unfair.
And at first, I was also like that. I also thought that the fact that we were a closed campus was unfair and didn’t make any sense since there were other schools who had open campuses so I guess I was also thinking with a bit of jealousy that while my friends at Marion could go and get McDonalds for lunch while I was stuck inside the cafeteria eating fish sticks. But overtime and as I got older and thought about the situation more, I realized that not being able to leave the school for lunch wouldn’t be the end of the world as it wasn’t that big of a deal to just stay and eat the school lunch or pack my own.
It’s rare but there are a few students who think the complete opposite about us being a closed campus. Demarzion Graham, a senior at CCHS is one of the very few students with this kind of opinion. When asked how he feels about the school lunch he replied with: “I feel like the school lunch has made a drastic change in the last three years. It’s way better than what it was last year and the year before that and the year before that.” said Demarzion Graham.
Being in the same grade as Demarzion and also going through the same years of school lunch as him I would agree that the school lunch has gotten drastically better since our freshman year. It’s clear that they’ve been trying new things and listening to the complaints and concerns of students in attempts to better themselves.

And when asked how us being a closed campus makes Graham feel he said: “It makes me feel like I’m in a safe environment because not anybody can get in or get out because the doors are locked.” said Graham.
So, while us being a closed campus is definitely one of things everybody seems to complain about the most it isn’t the worst possible thing to happen with the cooks attempting to fit everybody’s needs and meeting safety guidelines us being a closed campus is also just a safer option.