Skills Usa is a club that teaches students how to prepare for the workforce and lets students get experience in leadership, teamwork, and citizenship. It builds and reinforces self-confidence, work attitudes and communication skills.
Skills Usa is a club that I was actually interested in at the beginning of the year, but ended up not joining. That changed when I asked Mr. Don Moberley, a Carbondale Community High School teacher and the sponsor of the club, what is so good about skills USA.
Mr, Moberley says, “Skills Usa is a student organization that really focuses on helping students prepare themselves to fill in the skills gap that we have in industry today; so, helping students find jobs in variety of fields related to business industry, nursing, all these different fields – and preparing them to have a successful career.”
So, the club gives students certain skills and experience in the chosen field they want to study in. He also mentioned that members compete in competitions to see how far they come with the skills they learn; I personally think that skills USA is a good club to join because of that.
Skills Usa seems to be a good club for students interested in entering the workforce very soon out of high school; they do a lot of stuff which includes, preparing for competitions for specific challenges.
I was not able to join, but the people you can contact if you’re interested is Don Moberley, Dallas Terry, or Meliane Nelson. If you have any questions contact them for more information.

(Robert Owens )