Many language/art students are taking a test that determines if they are fluent in that language. The Seal Of Biliteracy, a test that most students have a chance to take towards the end of the school year.
But what is The Seal Of Biliteracy? Linda Germann, one of many language teachers at Carbondale Community High School, answered, “It’s a seal that helps you in college and in your career.”

The seal is given by a school, a school district or even a county office. To acknowledge the proficiency and hard work the student put in.
Passing this test means everything to most people, better opportunities, better careers. To Zeina Infante, a senior at CCHS, it means having an advantage in college. “An official document that tells me I am a bilingual; it would also look good on college resumes.”
The test usually is taken in the month of March, depending on which language teacher or department, it can be sooner or later in the month.
Most of the time, these tests have a window of one week for students to finish without having a punishment. For example, many students that don’t get it finished get kicked from the test and won’t be able to retake it until the next year in March.
Click ‘Seal Of Biliteracy’ to learn more.