Mechanical engineering a class taught at CCHS. It is a class that could lead students to the best job in the world. Don Moberley, a high school teacher at CCHS, and Makai Reyes, a high school student interested in mechanical engineering, will talk about what to expect of the class and the expectations of mechanical engineering.
When asked about what students do in mechanical engineering. Mr. Moberley replied with, “Students in mechanical engineering study the basis of engineering and go through the introductory concepts on, how various machines and concepts work, which also involves 2D and 3D dimensional programs, which they then use for their engineering design.”
I followed up with how many people are in the class. Moberley replied, “[There are] two levels of engineering in the class [and] also honor’s courses, so there would be 12-15 people in the class of mechanical engineering.”
Makai Reyes, a senior at CCHS, then explains his reasons for choosing to take the mechanical engineering class, He says, “ always wanted to do engineering. Mechanical engineering is one of the fields that I would enjoy going into because it’s a lot of design.”
I then asked Reyes about his potential future in engineering. He responded with, “Right now, I’m in-between that and software engineering. Of course, both of those jobs are not only lucrative, but they go along [with] what I want to do.”

Mechanical engineering teacher Don Moberley leans over golf course made by students examining their engineering design
(Robert Owens )
Mechanical engineering is a interesting field to look into from designing and building. It is one of the most sought after jobs in the engineering field. Mechanical engineering is a job that is the most profitable and technical, so if you’re going to have a future in it, take the class.