What is tardiness and why does it matter? According to its dictionary definition, it’s defined as the quality or fact of being late; lateness. Tardiness can befall anyone and can become a problem for not only those who are late, but different aspects of their daily life. Therefore, many schools such as Carbondale Community High School enforce a strict tardy policy to discourage students from being late to their classes. Many events are set to encourage students to get to school on time, but are these methods really helping?
Heavyn: I think that y’know what they do is try and make it y’know unenjoyable for being late. Instead of making it a learning lesson like they claim it is. Y’know like they want you to uh feel bad for being tardy instead of y’know understanding why you shouldn’t be tardy. They just shove it down your throat in a way that’s like you’re gonna regurgitate it back up as soon as you leave highschool. Like your not gonna absorb that information as well as they want you to.
Although this is the experience of only one student the impact that it can carry on any given student is the same. Anyone could be tardy, however how students bounce back from these tardy’s can cause them more trouble than if they had stayed home. Although the punishment for a tardy is small it can snowball into bigger punishment causing students to fall further behind than if there had been no disciplinary action whatsoever.
But what’s important is finding a way to mesh into your system and work to reach your goals in a timely manner.