The Music Appreciation club is a new club at Carbondale Community High School established by Sam Byrd and sponsored by Mr. Butler in 2023. The club explores different genres of music and creative styles. Expanding and exposing members to an array of new and familiar music. The club serves to be a great opportunity for music lovers of all kinds to come together to discuss and expand their musical taste.
Similar to book clubs, songs are selected each week by student vote. Every Friday, members review a new album in an open discussion. Once a month, members present their own presentations for the club on their own selected musical topics. Occasionally, the club meets for bigger events, including their upcoming watch party of I Didn’t Mean to Haunt You by Quadeca.
Unlike other Academic related clubs, Music Appreciation club is very casual and modern music oriented. Many music appreciation clubs tend to focus on older and classic styles of music. However CCHS’s Music Appreciation club likes to focus on modern music and genres overall that interest its members.
The club plans to do events such as a vinyl show and tell, listening parties and determining the music selection for the bell’s passing periods next quarter. The club ultimately hopes to raise funds to go on a field trip to a concert of their choosing. Students hope to make the club an open space for people to relax after a long school week over a shared interest.
Club member Avery Martin explains, “Music Appreciation club is just for fun, and there’s very little to do for fun, especially in school. Within recent times, the culture is very academic and stressful, and having somewhere to chill and hangout over a shared interest is very helpful.” The club is ever evolving as it is now in its early stages of development.

The goal of the Music Appreciation Club is simply to enjoy music and share that enjoyment to others. The club hopes to expand each individual’s range of music and provide a new array of music to explore. Club founder Sam Byrd shares, “Our club really just wants to create a fun and safe space to allow all members a platform to talk about music, since it’s something we all love.” The goals and actions of the Music appreciation club are completely student-led. The passion and trajectory of this new club is truly something special for the community of CCHS.