Makari Roper Runs His Way To Success
Monday, March 20th, Carbondale Community High School held a track practice. Following the practice, Makari Roper was interviewed.

What’s the best thing about track and being a part of the team? According to Makari Roper, a Sophomore at Carbondale Community High School, it’s, “Getting away from the house and meeting new people who love the same sport as me at different meets.”
Roper is motivated by knowing other people are working 24/7 and he can’t fall behind. He prepared for meets by getting tons of sleep and rest and eating healthy and drinking water.

Roper has plenty of upside and room for improvement. At his latest meet, he placed 3rd Place in the 4×2 sprint. Recently excelling in soccer, Roper hopes to bring that same talent to track.
When asked about how he ca push his talents ahead of other competitors Roper said “Work day in and day out with Coach G and improve on all my flaws until there isn’t any.”
After placing 3rd Roper still isn’t satisfied as he wants more and feels anything besides 1st isn’t good enough. “In this upcoming meet I look forward to showing what I improved on and what I’ve been working on”.