FNL Senior Night, What’s it All About?

Tamara Conder

4 Year Marching Terrier, Gabriel Hall, Escorted by his father Dante Hall

Friday Night Lights Senior Night is always a night to remember. It is a night during the fall sports season, usually the last performance or towards the end of the season, to recognize seniors in their fall sport. To some, this is a fun relaxed night to enjoy their last performance in their sport at the school. To others, this is a night to commemorate seniors in their sport for all the hard work they’ve put in over the years.


During the typical FNL Senior Night, parents and guardians are invited to the school to escort and take pictures with their athletes. Students are usually recognized and escorted by their guardian(s) of choice before the football game, typically before the pregame show. There are a number of sports teams recognized such as, our Carbondale Community High School football team, the cheerleading squad, the marching terriers, followed by the color guard, and even teams that don’t perform or may not have a game that night such as, the tennis and golf teams.

Defensive Football Captain Aiden Taylor and 4 year Marching Terrier Gabriel Hall. (Photo Taken By Ariel Lipe)

FNL Senior Night is usually on the last home football game of the season making it just a bit more special. When asked what senior night meant to him, Aiden Taylor, the defensive captain of the football team, responded, “ I think it’s pretty special because, being here 4 years, I’ve put  a lot of my life into sports here, so it’s nice to be acknowledged for that.” 

Throughout a student’s time in high school, there’s a lot of time, effort, hard work, and dedication committed to doing their sport or activity. A lot of trials and hardships are put in front of them and force them to learn life changing skills and lessons that mold them into young men and women. On senior night, we recognize students for all of these things and let them know that none of their efforts go unnoticed.