CCHS Tardy Party and The Seniors Point Of View On It

Brandi Jones

Photo Taken by Bandi Jones. BPhoto Taken by Bandi Jones. Ben Whaley, Conner Bennet, Riley Bryan Conversinf During The Tardy Party.en Whaley, Conner Bennet, Riley Bryan Conversing During The Tardy Party.


This past Tuesday March 22nd, CCHS held a ¨No Tardy Party.¨ This party was for the students who qualified, by not having a certain amount of tardies to class! It was held in the Cafeteria during SSR where there was ice cream, music and card games. 


Lots of seniors voiced their opinion on it and whether they felt it was something that really impacted their timeliness to class and an array of other questions. The answers were very eye opening and informative. Especially coming from the ones who qualified for it and attended it. 


Ben Whaley spoke on age appropriateness, ¨If it (the tardy party) helps some people then it’s a good thing, but I can understand why some people feel infantilized by it.¨ This answer was very prevalent and many spoke upon being infantilized. It seems like many people feel as if CCHS is back stepping to more childlike rewards.


Beth Davis also added, ¨I think the tardy party is childish, almost for kids like kindergarten. Maybe they could have done something more adult like or affective to our age group.¨


Photo Taken by Brandi Jones. Jorja Baquedano Playing Uno During the Tardy Party.

When getting these answers of disagreement to the reward itself, they also gave ideas, they felt better coincided with our age group. Ben started with, “Maybe they could reform the punishment along with the reward they give, maybe doing those things in tandem would be better.¨ He gave an idea on how maybe they could reform both ends of it (reward and punishment).


Beth gave another idea, ¨I feel maybe the school should enter seniors into a drawing for a scholarship. Or for underclassmen a scholarship to attend some sort of camp over the summer or to use whenever they graduate. Just a more young adult-like reward.¨


Eager to see a change in how the reward system works and even more interested in seeing the reform in the punishment system. Even when it won’t be something the senior class itself can participate in.