Carbondale Students Donate Blood to the Red Cross

Madison Haldeman

Typically, the school gym is used for activities such as basketball, volleyball, and badminton. On one particular Wednesday, the Carbondale High School gym was full of medical equipment, nurses, and red bags of blood.

On November 10th, CCHS students were given the opportunity to donate blood to the American Red Cross Institution. Marritt Vaughn explained in an interview, “One donation can save up to three lives…” He described the experience as self-gratifying, given you’re helping others in need. Students were stoked to make a difference in stranger’s lives. Not only did this single blood drive impact over 300 lives, extra credit was given in most history and government classes. This influenced more participation from students in hopes of raising their grades. Free socks were also given to anyone who successfully donated their blood. 

It is a very rewarding experience for both the person receiving and giving their blood. There were a total of 119 pints donated after one day at Carbondale Community High school, which could impact over 300 lives.

According to, anyone who donates is automatically, “entered to win a trip for two to Hawaii…” if you gave blood between November first and November 12th. Many students were not aware of this opportunity, but the donation day fell within the deadline.

Sadly, some people were not able to give blood. Having a cold, flu, or other illness would impair your ability to participate. Giving blood could cause the illness to spread to the recipient of the donation. In turn, many students became aware that they had low iron because of the blood drive. Although they could not donate, they learned an important factor of their health. Along with staying in good health, it was required that donors be at least 17 years of age or 16 with parental consent and a minimum of 110 pounds.

To be prepared for the next blood drive, the red cross website recommended people get at least eight hours of sleep, eat a full meal beforehand, and drink plenty of water.

Overall, the blood drive this year had an outstanding turnout. In our school alone, over 300 lives can be positively impacted, and many student’s history grades were saved in the meantime. See you at the next blood drive!