Homecoming Moves to the Stands

Photo from the CCHS Twitter Soccer page. The Frank Bleyer field will be used for the 2021 Homecoming dance.

Coming to your local Frank Bleyer football field this October is the Homecoming dance! The dance has been moved outside due to the COVID 19 scare this year. The introduction of the dance moving outside has caused a lot of controversy between the students in the school, some female students worried how they will wear heels on the football field. Others are concerned about the weather and how it will play with the dance. Will it rain, be windy, be hot, be cold, or will we have a tornado? Some students are upset at the idea of homecoming moving to the football field while others enjoy the idea of outside weather.  

Matthew Nadolski is a CCHS senior who’s been to every Homecoming dance since freshman year looks forward for this years dance.

“ It should be a nice temperature so it’ll probably be really nice, better than in the gym most likely”. Said Nadolski

With the dance being outside the school is also considering the idea of mask mandates outside on the field. Nadolski did not like the idea of masks being mandated outside. 

“I think the idea of a mask mandate outside is absolutely atrocious, there’s

Photo taken by Mark Lenzini. Principal Thomas and curriculum director Graham pose for a picture at the ticket sale table.

no other situation where masks are required outside, why is homecoming any different?” Said Nadolski.

Many students are on both sides of the isle when it comes to this year’s Homecoming, most are excited for a change of scenery, and happy the school was able to work around the pandemic. The move to the football field may even spark a new idea for Prom later in the year pending the COVID-19 pandemic.

The school may even move to have Homecoming outside on the field in the next few years if the idea grows in popularity. The school may be moving to a new agenda when planning dances to be more COVID friendly. Will the mask mandates at the outside dance push people away from the dances, or will the attendants flock to the idea of an outside dance under the stars?