Blood Drive
March 5, 2020
This past Thursday, CCHS hosted their bi-annual blood drive in the gym held by the American Red Cross. Many students from CCHS showed up to donate blood and potentially save lives. If you missed this blood drive, then don’t stress about it because there will be another one in the fall. If you have Mr. Butler or Mr. Absher then consider yourself lucky because you will even receive extra credit for donating.
Here is some information you should know about the blood drive:
How Can I be Qualified?
You must be 16 years old and not donated in the past 56 days. You also must meet the weight requirement (which varies based on height). The only other reason that someone could not donate is if they are not in good health such as having the flu, if their iron levels are too low, certain medications that they may be on, or if they’ve traveled to certain destinations outside of the US in recent years. However, if you meet all the above requirements then you should have no problem donating.
Why Should I Donate?
The blood donated can help many people who need blood and have insufficient amounts of blood. Some people who you can help by donating blood are cancer patients, trauma patients, sickle cell patients, burn patients, and patients with chronic disease. 4.5 million Americans will need a blood transfusion each year and the help starts with you. For every pint donated it saves three lives.
What Should I Expect After Donating?
After donating, you will receive a complementary snack and drink provided by the American Red Cross. You will be able to enjoy your snack while resting for 10-15 minutes before returning to complete the rest of your day. Your arm will be sore at the site of the injection for a couple days after donating. You should not do any extraneous activities for at least 24 hours after donating. While donating blood, your body loses some of it’s needed nutrients so you need to be sure to replenish your body after donating by drinking more liquids, foods that are packed with protein, and consuming more dairy like products such as milk and yogurt.
If you are on the fence about donating or not, just remember that donating one pint can save up to three lives.