Why Almost All Movies that Take Place in High School are the Same

Kyah Franks

       Have you ever seen a movie that is so stupid, unrealistic, and unoriginal. I bet so many titles came to mind. There is an infinite number of movies that take place in High School and have actors that are not even close to being the age of the character they are playing. They all have basically the exact same story line and have the same happily ever after. For some reason they still get so much attention so they keep making them and less creative movies are being made. This needs to stop.Image result for bring it on

           First of all, there always has to be a love interest. The main character is depicted as unpopular, awkward, self conscious. Their love interest on the other hand, is popular and probably has every boy or girl they want. They also probably play a sport and are the captain. If there is a mean girl that has the guy, she’s cheer captain. If it’s an “unreachable” guy, he is the captain of the football team.Image result for clueless

           Another thing that is in just about all of these kinds of movies a quirky best friend of the main character. They probably dress out of the usual and also don’t care about what anyone thinks. They give good advice and are there for that person when they need it. Usually if this character exists, when the main character most likely loses track of who they are, they have a falling out. Don’t worry though! They realize they were wrong and have a sappy hug with them. How cute!

          Of course there is absolutely no way there wouldn’t be a happily ever after. The last scene of the movie probably takes place at homecoming or prom. The most popular people win king and queen and the girl is super happy about it but no one else really cares. Here’s the crazy part. Your favorite main character ever walks up on stage and is kind of nervous at first. It’s silent. They start off talking slower and stutters a little bit then they gain confidence. They talk about the meaning of high school. The best friend character is acknowledged by mentioning something about friendship. After they pour their hearts out everyone at the dance slowly starts to clap and cheer. They look at the wonderful love interest. They kiss. That’s all. You know these movies and you know exactly how they are going to go. They’re all the same. They’re pretty entertaining though.Image result for tall gitl