Why I Always End Up Doing My Blogs The Day They Are Due

Why I Always End Up Doing My Blogs The Day They Are Due

Preston Walla, writer

Hi there, my name is Preston, and like many students I am taking journalism in place of an English credit. During journalism we get these assignments where we have to type out a blog post about anything we want. We are told about blogs on the third week in the class and have a long time to start and finish them. Most students get their blogs done on time and do not wait last minute to do there blogs. I am not like most students. That is why I am currently in my journalism class rushing to get this blog post done because it is due at the end of the hour. For some reason I seem to always wait last minute to do my blogs. I did it with my first blog and I am doing it right now on my second blog and I will probably do it on my third blog, which isn’t due until April 23.

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Mr. Apple likes to say I procrastinate to much but I do not think that is the reason why I always do my blogs the day they are do. I have a job, go to school and manage to get homework done, well homework that isn’t my blog post. When I am in Mr. Apple’s class I usually do not do anything at all. I had all class period to work on my blog yesterday during class but that is something I did not do. I told myself I would do it at home once I got home from work. Later that night I got home from work and took a shower and ate some food and grabbed my back pack and my computer and said, “Screw it, I will do it during my second hour.” Second hour comes and I did not even touch my blog post. Then, third hour comes and here I am rushing through to get this done so I do not have a bad grade for one of the first grades to be put in for the quarter.

One thing I will do differently on my next blog post is to actually use my time wisely. I plan on starting on my third blog post tomorrow and work on it on chances i get that way i do not have to do it during class right before it is do again like i have done the past few times already. With my luck I will probably end up waiting until right before its do to get it finished. If you are to take any advice from this blog post please do not wait last minute to do anything.

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