How much does the media influence our views on important issues?

How much does the media influence our views on important issues?

Steph Avalos

Teenagers and young adults have been heavily impacted by the media, but over the last few years media influencers have grown so rapidly that they have become the voice for movements and topics they aren’t well versed in.

Why does this matter?

  • Media influencers have spoken and influenced young adults on politics, feminism, and abortion, which people forget are the individuals personal viewpoint.

Now, because the influencers have a huge follower base they are used to be the speaker/voice for movements they have no understanding of and give false information or misleads the actual movement and what they stand for.

  • Many articles have also misguided their readers by not specifying where they took their sources and information from after announcing statistics that backup their argument. A reader gets different percentages and data analysis by articles speaking on the same subject. Which is s/he to believe?
  • Some articles which consist on reviewing, summarizing and/or comparing aren’t necessarily informing the reader from a neutral point of view by this leaving major points unaddressed. Many also create their own theories and apply them as factual creating a huge dispute and debate taking away the actual importance of it.

Now, why is this a dilemma?

  • Teenagers are easily persuaded, and when they are the future voters for the country and it isn’t necessarily beneficial to have Kanye West and Taylor Swift be the ones who “inform” them on the politics and persuade the readers to “make the right decision” as Taylor Swift noted on her Instagram post. From this, influencers and famous people should be allowed to give their say on the subject, but instead the companies and sponsorings should be directed toward people who actually have conducted studies and reports on it.
  • Having articles and blogs write about the same topic but the information doesn’t coordinate may lead to viewers having debates and being misinformed about topics that are extremely essential to know.

The media only show what they want the readers to believe and be aware of.