Class of 2021 Processing


          Graduations, Proms, and other end of the year celebrations have been postponed or entirely canceled due to the corona virus. As a senior I feel we should have a graduation because we worked hard for 12 years and the fact that we will not be able to share this moment with family, friends, and myself is devastating also, we did not get to experience the whole high school experience as everyone else. We cannot have our prom, our class trip, our senior prank, and most of all our graduation. Many people I know including my brother has graduated and walked the stage. I know some of my fellow classmates like Malikia Tucker feel the same way.

“Senior year was pointless because we already didn’t get to experience Key Point’s of high school.” “I’m not really motivated I just feel like I have nothing to look forward to.” “at this point of the school year I just want it to be over with I’m ready to start the next chapter of my life.” Not only did Malikia Tucker feel this way fellow graduating senior student Jevon Scott also had similar viewpoints.

“ever since I was a little kid, I always dreamed of going to high school but never in my wildest imagination would I thought almost two years would have been taken away from me.” “Me as an Athlete I didn’t get to experience my junior year of track season and I may not have a senior track season.” “I missed valuable time and meets with my teammates that cannot be given back which is devastating because these are memories you can never remake. Many of my classmates are depending on extracurricular activities to not only get them places but help them with scholarships.” “Online school has taken a toll throughout the first semester I was struggling with turning in my assessments and work.”

“My grades were bad, and I almost never made it to class I just was not motivated. It did not help that every class I had to have my camera on when I was in emotional distress, so I just stopped going all together. I am not saying that is the reason for my bad grades I am just saying I was not comfortable in class.”

“There were times and there still is times where you are just not up to some stuff. Teachers would take points for being in class and put in participation grades but if you are not present in class what can you do? I personally feel like that’s not fair to the students and its being inconsiderate.” “I would hope to have a graduation but if not, I won’t be attending a virtual graduation. Me and the whole class of 2021 have been through a lot so at the least we should be able to graduate with each other”.

I could understand where Jevon is coming from, I could say myself that I was in emotional distress in the beginning of the school year where I had 2 F’s in my most important classes and stressing because I didn’t know what do or the many ways to get my grades up.  The counselling department has played a big part in the seniors this year they have built the curiosity and academic skills needed to be the best learners possible.

Many counselors have sat up ways to keep in contact with many students by doing zoom calls, creation of the class of’21 google classroom, calls and text and much more. I had the chance to sit with Mrs. Murphy who is a college and career counselor here at Carbondale Community High School.

“You have had many events changed and cancelled…. and even process related to your future, like testing, college exploration, and support services related to school and life after high school interrupted, changed or cancelled”. “I am so impressed with the many seniors who have made the best of things; remained connected to school, logged in for support meetings, maintained the timeline for reaching career goals that were in place before covid, and my hope is that you and your peers who have found ways to preserve will continue to model your many skills as you move on to work, college, etc.”.

Before this whole pandemic school was completely normal.  Covid has not only affected families, students, teachers but it also affected school principles. The first priority for principals during the crisis was ensuring that their students, staff, and families were OK before getting to academics. How principles managed the crisis; major challenges for families and educators; how districts deliver support for principals and students during the shutdown; accountability; and how principals support their staff and student’s social emotional well being as well as their own. I know many of my classmates have been

asking our school principals Mr. Thomas about if were having a graduation or not. “Yes, we will have an in-person graduation ceremony on 5/15/2021 at CCHS but there are more details to come”. “I plan on holding it on the football filed on 5/15. There are still plenty of details to iron out. As of now, we cannot have groups of more than 50 people”.